Veterans Mental & Physical Health: The Importance of a Healthy Nutritious Diet

Bob Wilson, Forward Assist volunteer and Royal Artillery Veteran served fifteen years in the military and was involved in seven tours of Northern Ireland. Bob 70, suffers from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and lives on his own. He has embraced the healthy living skills he acquired on two of our Health & Wellbeing veteran retreats and was a keen participant on the healthy eating and cookery classes designed by Team Forward Assist. In September 2019, Bob decided he would make significant changes to his lifestyle. On the advice of our Occupational Therapist he stopped eating fried food and white bread and bought a pressure cooker with which to cook all his meals. 

Under the guidance of his GP and a dietician, Bob who was 21 stone, now weighs in at a healthy 12 stone. His blood pressure has normalised and he is now able to take his companion dog for long walks. This has made a huge difference to Bob’s health and mental wellbeing as he is no longer breathless and he no longer needs breathing apparatus for sleep apnoea. Outstanding Bob, well done you!


“Attending the healthy eating course taught me how to cook better and make healthier meals. I now enjoy cooking and enjoy experimenting with new recipes. Because of the healthy eating course I now know what not to eat and how to replace un-healthy food with a healthier alternative.  The course also gave me a purpose to get out of the house and meet new people.”

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Leading From The Kitchen

The importance of a healthy nutritious diet is often overlooked by military veterans. Forward Assist CEO Tony Wright writes about the need for diet to be taken seriously by veterans and service charities.

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