Forward Assist CEO Wins 'Silver' Lifetime Achievement Award At Social Work er of The Year Awards.

Tony Wright Founder and CEO of Forward Assist wins a Silver Lifetime Achievement Award at the Social Worker of the Year Awards in London on 4th November 2022. The Social Worker of the Year Awards is the only major national awards event for social work in England, attracting hundreds of entries every year and reaching millions of people with positive stories of outstanding social work, creative and compassionate practitioners and outstanding practice.

“ I was delighted to receive the Silver Lifetime Achievement Award in recognition of the last 38 years working in a variety of social work settings. More recently our research, support services and interventions for marginalised military veterans and the creation of Salute Her UK as a dedicated registered charity for women veterans in need of gender specific trauma informed support has taken up a lot of my time and energy and I look forward to learning from and developing services for male veterans in the next few years.” Tony Wright CEO