The Importance of Justice For UK Military Sexual Trauma Survivors and Their Families

Justice is crucial for military sexual trauma (MST) survivors and their families for several reasons. Justice provides survivors with validation of their experiences. It acknowledges that what they went through was wrong and unjust. This recognition can be incredibly empowering and can help survivors in their healing process. Holding perpetrators accountable through the justice system helps prevent further abuse. It sends a clear message that such behaviour will not be tolerated, thus deterring potential offenders from committing similar acts in the future. Justice can provide survivors with restitution, whether in the form of financial compensation, access to medical and mental health services, or other forms of support. This can help survivors rebuild their lives and restore some of what was taken from them. For many survivors, obtaining justice can bring a sense of closure. It allows them to reclaim some control over their lives and move forward with their healing process. Justice can also offer survivors and their families a sense of vindication and peace of mind. When survivors see that the justice system takes their cases seriously and holds perpetrators accountable, it can promote trust and confidence in the system. This encourages other survivors to come forward and seek justice, knowing that they will be supported and believed. Seeking justice for MST survivors can contribute to broader social and cultural change. It can challenge harmful attitudes and behaviours that perpetuate sexual violence within the military and society at large, paving the way for a safer and more respectful environment for all. In summary, justice is essential for MST survivors and their families to heal, rebuild their lives, and prevent future instances of sexual violence within the military community.

Tony Wright CEO